
Keeping an Eye on Your Competitors’ Patent Filings: A Vital Competitive Strategy!

Keeping an Eye on Your Competitors’ Patent Filings: A Vital Competitive Strategy!

In today’s fast-paced business landscape, staying ahead of the curve is key to success. One often overlooked yet invaluable tactic is monitoring your competitors’ patent filings. Here’s why it’s essential:

1️⃣ Innovation Insights: You gain valuable insights into your competitors’ R&D efforts by tracking their patent activity. This enables you to anticipate their next moves, stay innovative, and make informed strategic decisions.

2️⃣ Protect Your IP: Recognizing potential overlaps between your intellectual property (IP) and that of your competitors helps you protect your assets and avoid costly legal battles down the road.

3️⃣ Partnership Opportunities: Identifying areas of synergy can open the door to collaboration or partnership opportunities, fostering growth and diversification.

4️⃣ Competitive Positioning: Knowing what your rivals are patenting allows you to assess their technological strengths and weaknesses, empowering you to position your offerings more effectively.

5️⃣ Risk Mitigation: Understanding the competitive landscape helps you prepare for market disruptions, mitigate risks, and adapt your strategies accordingly.

6️⃣ Compliance and Licensing: Monitoring patents ensures you stay compliant with existing IP laws, and it might reveal opportunities for licensing or cross-licensing agreements.

Don’t wait until your competitors are miles ahead—start watching their patent activity today. Leverage tools and experts to streamline the process, and keep your business at the forefront of innovation. 🚀

Set up a patent watch TODAY and keep an eye on your competitors. Request a Quote

Not sure which search is for you? Check out our Search Options.


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The Key to Invalidity, Strength Analysis & Patent and Design Busting!

Hand pointing to steps to success

The Key to Invalidity, Strength Analysis & Patent and Design Busting!

Request a Quote Now!

Have you been accused of violating a patent or concerned about an existing patent? Our invalidity search can help you determine if that patent is valid. This can provide valuable information to support your defense. If you are being targeted by a patent (accused of infringing a patent), this search (also known as a patent-busting search), can assist you in attempting to invalidate the patent.

Our search can also be used to evaluate the strength of your own patent before launching your product or enforcing your patent. It can also be used to assess the worth of a patent you are considering purchasing. (These searches are also referred to as Validity searches).

Why Choose Us?

Our team of expert researchers will deliver reliable, thorough results quickly and efficiently. We understand that timing is critical in the world of patents, and we strive to get you the information you need when you need it.

Request a Quote Today

Don’t leave anything up to chance when it comes to patents. Request a quote now and take control of your intellectual property. Contact us today to learn more.

PatWorld Global IP Research Services are experts in providing Patentability, Freedom To Operate (FTO), Patent Busting, State of the Art, and Patent Mapping searches. As a patent search firm we work with Patent Attorneys worldwide, and do not offer legal opinion. We would advise individuals to speak to a patent attorney either before or after instructing a patent search. Need help in deciding which search you need? Email: [email protected] for information or for an Patent/Design Busting quote today!

If you enjoy our content here, you’ll love the stuff we share on LinkedIn, follow us now. Not on LinkedIn?  Check out our other social media sites:

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#PatentBusting #InvaliditySearch #PatentBustingSearch #ValiditySearch #IntellectualProperty #StrengthAnalysis #DesignBusting #RequestAQuote #PatentLaw #PatentResearch #PatentEnforcement #PatentProtection #TechnologyPatent #LegalResearch #PatentInfringement #PatentPurchase #PatentValidity #TechLaw #IntellectualPropertyLaw #PatentAnalytics #PatentStrategy #InternationalPatentLaw

Ensure Your Invention’s Success: Request an FTO Search and Mitigate Legal Risks!

Can you ensure your invention’s success?

As you sit at your desk, staring at the latest prototype of your invention, you can’t help but feel a mix of excitement and anxiety. You know that your product has the potential to disrupt the market, to solve a problem that nobody else has solved yet. You also know that your product is not entirely original and that it builds on some existing technologies and concepts. You wonder: what if someone else has already patented something similar? What if you invest time, money, and resources into this project, only to face a legal challenge that could bankrupt you?

Innovator looking at computer screen image of his latest product.

You need to find out if you have the Freedom to Operate (FTO). You need to know if your invention infringes any existing patents in the relevant countries. You need to assess the risk of litigation. You need to make an informed decision about whether to proceed with this project, to pivot, or to abandon it.

That’s where an FTO search comes in. An FTO search is like a detective investigation, a treasure hunt, and a crystal ball all rolled into one. It requires expertise, experience, and access to reliable databases and tools. It involves analysing patent claims, specifications, drawings, and legal precedents. It entails interpreting complex technical jargon, identifying relevant prior art, and weighing legal opinions.

An FTO search can save you from costly mistakes, legal disputes, and missed opportunities. It can help refine your invention, avoid infringing on other people’s intellectual property, and enhance your bargaining power in licensing negotiations. It can also give you peace of mind, knowing that you have done your due diligence, explored your options, and made an informed decision.

So, if you are a startup founder, an inventor, a product manager, or a business leader, and you want to maximize your chances of success, don’t neglect the importance of an FTO search. Request a quote today and unlock the power of knowledge.

PatWorld are experts in providing Patentability, Freedom To Operate (FTO), Patent Busting, State of the Art, and Patent Mapping searches. As a patent search firm we work with Patent Attorneys worldwide, and do not offer legal opinion. We would advise individuals to speak to a patent attorney either before or after instructing a patent search. Need help in deciding which search you need? Email: [email protected] for information or for an FTO quote today!

If you enjoy our content here, you’ll love the stuff we share on LinkedIn, follow us now. Not on LinkedIn?  Check out our other social media sites:

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#FTO #intellectualproperty #patents #invention #startup #innovation #legal #riskmanagement #duediligence #decisionmaking

Avoiding Patent Infringement: How a Patent Search Can Save You from Costly Lawsuits

Avoiding Patent Infringement

Innovation is the lifeblood of any successful business. But with innovation comes the risk of patent infringement, which can result in costly lawsuits and damage to your brand. In today’s competitive market, it’s more important than ever to protect your intellectual property. That’s where patent search comes in. By conducting a thorough search of existing patents, you can identify potential infringement risks and take proactive steps to avoid them. In this article, we’ll explore the importance of patent search and how it can save you from costly legal battles. Whether you’re an entrepreneur launching a new start-up or a seasoned business owner looking to protect your intellectual property, understanding the basics of patent search is essential. So, let’s dive in and get started!

What is patent infringement?

Patent infringement is the unauthorized use, manufacture, or sale of an invention that is covered by a patent. When a patent is granted, the owner of the patent has the exclusive right to use, sell, or license the invention for a certain period. This period is normally 20 years, although longer in certain circumstances.

If someone uses, makes, or sells a product that infringes on a patent, the patent owner can sue for damages and ask the court to stop the infringing activity. Patent infringement can occur in many forms, such as using a patented process, making a product that is covered by a patent, or selling a product that infringes on a patent. Even if the infringement is unintentional, it can result in costly legal battles and damage to your reputation.

The importance of patent search

The best way to avoid patent infringement is to conduct a patent search before launching a new product or service. A patent search helps you determine whether a particular invention or idea is already protected by an existing patent. By identifying existing patents, you can avoid infringement risks and take proactive steps to protect your intellectual property.

A patent search can also help you identify areas where you can improve your products or services. By analysing existing patents, you can identify gaps in the market and come up with new and innovative ideas. This can help you stay ahead of your competitors and drive business growth.

Types of patent searches

There are several types of patent searches, including:

  • Novelty search
    A novelty search helps you determine whether your invention is new and non-obvious. This type of search is conducted before filing a patent application to ensure that the invention meets the requirements for patentability.
  • Infringement (Freedom-to-Operate) search
    An infringement search helps you determine whether your product or service infringes on an existing patent. This type of search is conducted before launching a new product or service to avoid potential legal battles.

Conducting a patent search

Conducting a patent search can be a complex and time-consuming process. However, there are several resources available that can help you conduct a thorough search. These resources include:

  • Patent databases
    Patent databases such as the USPTO (United States Patent and Trademark Office) and the EPO (European Patent Office) provide access to millions of patents worldwide. These databases can be searched by keyword, inventor, assignee, and other criteria.
  • Patent attorneys
    Patent attorneys can help you conduct a thorough patent search and provide legal advice on intellectual property matters. They can also assist you in filing a patent application and defending your patents in court.
  • Patent search firms
    Patent search firms specialize in conducting patent searches and providing detailed reports on existing patents. These firms can help you identify potential infringement risks and develop strategies to protect your intellectual property.

Understanding patent classification

Patent classification is a system used to organize patents into categories based on their subject matter. Understanding patent classification can help you conduct a more effective patent search and identify relevant patents in your field.

Patent classification systems vary by country. In Europe, patents are classified using the International Patent Classification (IPC) system, which includes over 70,000 subclasses. In the US, patents are classified using the USPTO’s classification system, which includes over 400 classes and over 140,000 subclasses. There is also the CPC which is a combination of the European classification (ecla) and US classification schemes.

How to interpret patent search results

Interpreting patent search results can be challenging, especially for those who are not familiar with patent law. However, there are several key elements to look for when reviewing a patent search report. These include:

  • Relevant patents
    Look for patents that are relevant to your invention or idea. These patents may contain information that can help you improve your product or service or show if your invention is patentable.
  • Patent claims
    Patent claims describe the scope of a patent owner’s exclusive rights. Understanding patent claims can help you determine whether your product or service infringes on an existing patent.
  • Patent citations
    Patent citations are references to other patents that are relevant to a particular invention. Understanding patent citations can help you identify related patents and analyse the existing state of the art.

The benefits of patent search

Conducting a patent search has several benefits, including:

  • Avoiding infringement risks
    By conducting a patent search, you can identify potential infringement risks and take proactive steps to avoid them. This can help you avoid costly legal battles and protect your brand reputation.
  • Identifying new opportunities
    By analysing existing patents, you can identify gaps in the market and come up with new and innovative ideas. This can help you stay ahead of your competitors and drive business growth.
  • Improving your products or services
    By analysing existing patents, you can identify areas where you can improve your products or services. This can help you stay ahead of your competitors and provide better value to your customers.

Patent infringement lawsuits

If you are accused of patent infringement, you may face a costly and time-consuming legal battle. Patent infringement lawsuits can result in damages, injunctions, and even the invalidation of your patents. It’s important to take proactive steps to avoid patent infringement and protect your intellectual property.

Conclusion and final thoughts

In conclusion, a patent search is a crucial step in protecting your intellectual property and avoiding costly legal battles. By conducting a thorough patent search, you can identify potential infringement risks, stay ahead of your competitors, and provide better value to your customers. If you’re not familiar with patent law, consider working with a patent attorney or patent search firm to ensure that your patent search is comprehensive and effective. Remember, innovation is important, but protecting your intellectual property is essential for long-term success.


PatWorld are experts in providing Patentability, Freedom To Operate (FTO), Patent Busting, State of the Art, and Patent Mapping searches. As a patent search firm we work with Patent Attorneys worldwide, and do not offer legal opinion. We would advise individuals to speak to a patent attorney either before or after instructing a patent search from a company such as ours. Need help in deciding which search you need? Email: [email protected] for information.

If you enjoy our content here, you’ll love the stuff we share on LinkedIn, follow us now. Not on LinkedIn?  Check out our other social media sites:

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It’s World Bee Day 2023!

It’s World Bee Day 2023!

“Bees and other pollinators are fundamental for the health of ecosystems and food security. They help maintain biodiversity and ensure the production of nutritious food. However, intensive monoculture production and improper use of pesticides pose serious threats to pollinators by reducing their access to food and nesting sites, exposing them to harmful chemicals, and weakening their immune systems”. (https://www.un.org/en/observances/bee-day)

As we recognize World Bee Day on 20th May 2023, we take a look at Agricultural technology patents in pollinator-friendly agricultural production that support the critical role of bees in the global ecosystem.

US2020000069A1 Prevention of diseases in honeybees and reduction of pesticide residues in beeswax.

US2018288977A1 Beehive status sensor and method for tracking pesticide use in agriculture production.

US2021177963A1 Method and System for Protecting Honey Bees from Pesticides.

US2022152128A1 Bee gut microbial formulation for use as a probiotic for improved bee health and pathogen resistance.

Click on the title of each patent to open-up the full patent PDF for further information.

These patents highlight some of the technologies being developed to create sustainable, integrated agricultural practices that help to conserve and protect bees; which will be key to ensuring the health of our planet.

What can we do to support the health of our pollinators?

According to the United Nations there are many steps we can take to make a difference to our pollinators. A few are described here, but for the full list on how to support the health of our pollinators go to https://www.un.org/en/observances/bee-day 

  • As an individual, plant a diverse set of native plants, which flower at different times of the year,
  • As farmers reducing, or changing the usage of pesticides; and
  • As governments and decision-makers, by strengthening the participation of local communities in decision-making, in particular that of indigenous people, who know and respect ecosystems and biodiversity.

Interested in innovation and patented inventions such as trends in the agri-tech industry?

PatWorld is a patent search database that allows you to search over 145 million patent documents worldwide. Understanding what’s currently patented can help steer your own innovation. Email [email protected] for further information or check out https://patworld.com/gb/why-patworld/com.

We also carry out expert patent and design search services for clients worldwide. If you need a Patentability, Freedom to Operate, Invalidity, Landscape or Competitor Monitoring search email [email protected] for a Free Quote.

Not sure which search you need, go to Patent Search | Non-Patent Search | All Technologies (patworld.com)

If you enjoy our content here, you’ll love the stuff we share on LinkedIn, follow us now.

Vascular Perfusion Solutions – Winners of 2023 BioFest Invest Event

We would like to congratulate Vascular Perfusion Solutions, Inc. on their win at the 3rd annual BioFest Invest Event . This event is hosted by BiomedSA, and as a result of their win, Vascular Perfusion Solutions will be receiving an annual subscription to PatWorld.

Isabella Cano – Research Engineer at VPS

PatWorld is a professional patent database for R&D that provides users with access to millions of patents from around the world. With this subscription, Vascular Perfusion Solutions will have access to the latest information in their field and be able to stay ahead of the competition. We are excited for them as they embark on this new journey with PatWorld!

Vascular Perfusion Solutions, Inc. is a medical technology company based in San Antonio, Texas. They are developing the VP.S ENCORE® designed to have a significant impact on patients awaiting lifesaving or life-altering transplant surgeries by extending the viability of organs outside the body, and by extending the time for transport compared to traditional ice cooler technology. The goal in developing the VP.S ENCORE® includes the ability to expand the donor organ pool, optimizing matching of the donor organs, and to minimize rejection. VPS believes that machine perfusion devices for preserving organs should be simple, portable, and accessible to all patients needing a lifesaving organ. Evidence-based science is the root of what they do, and they use science and engineering to provide simple, elegant, and effective solutions to preserving the life of organs beyond the standard of care.

On April 19th, Vascular Perfusion Solutions competed in the 3rd annual BioFest Invest Event hosted by BiomedSA. BioFest Invest is a pitch competition for Texas bioscience companies to present their life changing products to potential investors, network among the MedTech industry, and learn from industry professionals. VPS pitched among 13 other bioscience companies from the greater Texas area. VPS was represented by Research Engineer, Isabella Cano, who has been part of the team since June 2021. The pitch presented the impact of the lifesaving technology of the VP.S ENCORE® and its competitive advantages. Vascular Perfusion Solutions received the best pitch award among all the competitors and was awarded a prize package of $10,000, SBIR consulting, a marketing strategy consult, a press release, and a membership to PatWorld.


Isabella and the team at VPS were delighted to receive the prize from PatWorld. To ensure they could get the most out of the platform, we delivered a personalised demo that was tailored to their specific needs. This gave them an in-depth look at how PatWorld can help them with R&D activities and how it can be used to improve their processes.

If you’re interested in learning more about PatWorld, you can sign up for a demo at https://calendly.com/patworld/demo. By taking advantage of this offer, you will be able to explore all the features and functions of the platform and see first-hand how it can benefit your business.

We at PatWorld are also experts in providing Patentability, Freedom To Operate (FTO), Patent Busting, State of the Art, and Patent Mapping searches. Need help in deciding which search you need? Email: [email protected] for information.

If you enjoy our content here, you’ll love the stuff we share on LinkedIn, follow us now. Not on LinkedIn?  Check out our other social media sites:

Twitter PatWorld Patent Database & Search Service (@PatWorlddata) / Twitter

Facebook PatWorld Patent Intelligence Platform & Research Services | Newport | Facebook

Instagram https://www.instagram.com/patworld__database/ 

Sodium-ions – Powering the Battery Revolution

Sodium-ions – Powering the Battery Revolution

Batteries are a key component in our daily lives; from cars to remote controls, it is hard to stray far from technology utilising a battery for its power source.

For many years the standard in this field has been the lithium-ion battery, however there are now a variety of alternatives aiming to overthrow lithium’s dominance, with sodium-ion batteries seen as a leading contender in the battery revolution.

Daniel Di Francesco IP Manager at PatWorld shares his thoughts on the battery revolution as seen via patents. Read the full article in the latest issue of the Global IP Matrix.


Sodium-ions: powering the battery revolution

Daniel Di Francesco, is an Intellectual Property Manager at PatWorld. He is an expert in undertaking patent searches including for Freedom to Operate, Patentability and Invalidity, covering all types of subject matter with specialism in the chemical field.

PatWorld are experts in providing Patentability, Freedom To Operate (FTO), Patent Busting, State of the Art, and Patent Mapping searches. Need help in deciding which search you need? Email: [email protected] for information.

If you enjoy our content here, you’ll love the stuff we share on LinkedIn, follow us now. Not on LinkedIn?  Check out our other social media sites:

Twitter PatWorld Patent Database & Search Service (@PatWorlddata) / Twitter

Facebook PatWorld Patent Intelligence Platform & Research Services | Newport | Facebook

Instagram https://www.instagram.com/patworld__database/ 

Are you staying up to date with the latest trends in the autonomous vehicle industry?

Are you staying current with the latest trends in the autonomous vehicle industry?

From self-driving cars to AI-based assisted driving, carmakers are working hard to make the roads safer and more efficient. Using PatWorld we’re showcasing a few of the latest patents in the autonomous vehicle industry.
Vehicle Operation Safety Model Test System – US2023043905A1 – This patent by Mobileye and Intel describes a System and techniques for test scenario verification for a simulation of an autonomous vehicle safety action.
Foldable Pedal Apparatus for Vehicle – US11630475B1 – Hyundai and Kia’s patent depicts a pedal hidden during autonomous driving but protruding when the vehicle is operated manually.

Systems and Methods for Controlling Speed of an Autonomous Vehicle – US2023115758A1 – This patent by Argo and Ford describes Systems and methods for generating a vehicle trajectory for it to handle complex traffic scenarios by taking into consideration dynamic actors and stationary objects.


Interested in innovation and patented inventions such as trends in the autonomous vehicle industry? PatWorld is a patent search database that allows you to search over 145 million patent documents worldwide. Understanding what’s currently patented can help steer your own innovation. Email [email protected] for further information or check out https://patworld.com/gb/why-patworld/com.

We also carry out expert patent and design search services for clients worldwide. If you need a Patentability, Freedom to Operate, Invalidity, Landscape or Competitor Monitoring search email [email protected] for a Free Quote.

Not sure which search you need, go to Patent Search | Non-Patent Search | All Technologies (patworld.com)

If you enjoy our content here, you’ll love the stuff we share on LinkedIn, follow us now.

What Does Artificial Intelligence Mean for Your Business?

Dean Parry Technical Director at PatWorld shares his thoughts on a recent panel discussion he attended. Entitled ‘Artificial Intelligence – What Does It Mean for Your Business’ was hosted by Loven IP.

“Although I wasn’t able to contribute due to problems with my headset, I was lucky enough to listen in to a fascinating and informative discussion about AI used in the design and retail industries and beyond. I have summarised the important aspects I took away after listening in.”

Panel Discussion: Artificial Intelligence – What Does It Mean for Your Business?

The Discussion Panel: Patent Attorney Keith Loven and Patent Assistant Tim Fray (Loven Patent & Trade Marks)
Richard McKenzie-Small (Customer experience and conversational AI advocate)
Adam Hamilton-Fletcher (Design Conformity Ltd)

I was fascinated by the current role of AI in the fields of retail and design. AI is being increasingly used in both retail and design work, with many businesses adopting AI technologies to streamline processes, improve customer experience, and increase efficiency. Here are some examples discussed on how AI is being used in these fields:

In retail, AI is being used for:

1. AI-powered recommendation engines can analyse customers’ data and behaviour to recommend personalised products or services.

2. For inventory management, AI can help retailers manage inventory levels more efficiently, predicting demand and optimising stock levels.

3. Customer service Chatbots and virtual assistants powered by AI can provide customer support 24/7, helping customers with queries and issues in real-time.

In design work, AI is being used for:

1. AI algorithms can generate and optimize design options based on a set of parameters and constraints.

2. For pattern recognition, AI can analyse large amounts of data to identify patterns and trends, which can be used to inform design decisions.

3. AI-powered tools can recognize, classify features/images and generate models of objects, which can be used for prototyping and visualization. At present AI still acts more as a support for designers rather than a replacement.

During the discussions, two major concerns were brought up regarding the use of AI: the difficulty in assessing the reliability and precision of AI-generated results, as well as the challenge of determining the optimal AI tool to use for specific tasks.

Overall, the use of AI in retail and design work is expected to increase as businesses continue to look for ways to improve customer experience and efficiency.

A video of the discussion is available at:  https://lnkd.in/eRvgrRjN

Follow or connect with Dean on LinkedIn for more industry insights and news.

#business #ai #design #retail #artificialintelligence #innovation #future



Eco-Friendly Sustainable Fashion: What are Manufacturers doing to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint and Help you Make Responsible Clothing Choices?

What is Sustainable Fashion and Why Does it Matter?

Sustainable fashion is becoming an increasingly important topic in our society. With the growing awareness of climate change and its effects on our environment, consumers are now looking for ways to reduce their carbon footprint by consuming responsibly. Eco-friendly clothing and sustainable materials offer a great way to do just that. By making conscious decisions to purchase items made from sustainable materials, we can ensure that our consumption habits are responsible and reduce carbon emissions from the fashion industry.

The Different Types of Eco-Friendly Fabrics & Materials Used in Sustainable Fashion

Eco-friendly fabrics and materials are becoming increasingly popular in the fashion industry as people strive to create sustainable clothing. Organic fabrics, recycled materials, and sustainable textiles are all being used to create eco-friendly clothing that is both stylish and ethical. In this article, we will look at some of the patents around the manufacturing of eco-friendly fabrics and materials used in sustainable fashion.

How Are Manufacturers Innovating for fashion?

As the fashion industry is growing rapidly, manufacturers are increasingly looking for ways to innovate and be more sustainable. Manufacturers are now focusing on using innovative materials such as recycled or biodegradable materials that can reduce their carbon footprint and make their products eco-friendlier (patent US2021310185A1 is a BIODEGRADABLE SYNTHETIC LEATHER PRODUCED FROM RECYCLED MATERIAL).

Patent US2021310185A1

Manufacturers are also looking into ways to reduce the amount of energy they use in production and finding new ways to reuse or recycle old materials (patent US2023069369A1: TEXTILE RECYCLING).

Patent US2023069369A1

By innovating in these areas, manufacturers can create a better future for fashion that is both stylish and sustainable.

Who is innovating in this space?

The fashion industry is one of the biggest polluters in the world, with the industry being responsible for 10% of all carbon emissions. However, as the example patents demonstrate there are many innovators working to reduce its environmental impact. These innovators are creating ways to reduce waste, develop carbon neutral fashions, and recycle materials. They are also using technology such as AI and machine learning to create more sustainable fashion solutions.
Patent KR20220164145A uses AI to identify clothing and accessories that have a good affect on mankind, similar to the main image.

By leveraging these technologies, these innovators are helping to create a more sustainable future for the fashion industry.

How You Can Support Earth Day?

From a fashion perspective we can all make a mark whether you’re a designer, manufacturer, retailer, or consumer. Check out the bullet points and decide where you can make a commitment.

  • Sign up to https://action.earthday.org/the-fashion-industry-must-change
  • Design with eco-friendly credentials
  • Look for ways that you can minimise the impact of the manufacturing process
  • Use biodegradable packaging
  • Check out the toolkits https://www.earthday.org/our-toolkits/
  • Check out the eco-credentials of that new item you covet.
  • Could you buy second hand, or repurpose an existing item? Each time you do this it stops something potentially going to landfill.
  • And lastly, Innovate, Innovate, Innovate!

If you need help with your innovation process PatWorld is a patent search database that allows you to search over 145 million patent documents worldwide. Understanding what’s currently patented can help steer your innovation. Email [email protected] for further information or check out https://patworld.com/gb/why-patworld/com.

We also carry out expert patent and design search services for clients worldwide. If you need a Patentability, Freedom to Operate, Invalidity, Landscape or Competitor Monitoring search email [email protected] for a Free Quote.

Not sure which search you need, go to Patent Search | Non-Patent Search | All Technologies (patworld.com)

If you enjoy our content here, you’ll love the stuff we share on LinkedIn, follow us now.

FemTech – Highlighting Innovation in the Technology Space

FemTech – Reviewing Patents to Highlight Innovation

Clare Gibson Senior Patent Analyst at PatWorld shares her thoughts on the Innovation in FemTech by reviewing patents.

“FemTech” is a relatively recent term coined in 2016 by the Danish entrepreneur Ida Tin, creator of the period and menstruation tracking app “Clue”, where the term is now synonymous with technology focused on women’s health. Such technology often includes software, diagnostics, products and services, with a large proportion holding female reproductive health at its core. For example, fertility solutions, menstruation tracking apps, pregnancy care, nursing care, sexual wellness, contraception, and general reproductive health care are a few areas where FemTech operates.

Read the full article in the latest issue of the Women’s IP World Annual.

Clare Gibson is a Senior Analyst at PatWorld and an expert in undertaking FTO, Patentability and Invalidity searches, covering all types of subject matter with specialisms in Physics and Mechanics.

PatWorld are experts in providing Patentability, Freedom To Operate (FTO), Patent Busting, State of the Art, and Patent Mapping searches. Need help in deciding which search you need? Email: [email protected] for information.

If you enjoy our content here, you’ll love the stuff we share on LinkedIn, follow us now.

25% OFF an Annual Subscription to PatWorld – March 2023 Discount Only

Are your Patent database renewal rates going up significantly?

Are you being charged for data exports and features? See our March promotion for serious savings.

Consider PatWorld at renewal and compare our pricing and how all added features such as charts & graphs and data exports are all included in one simple price.

We are offering a 25% discount on annual subscriptions during March 2023.  Annual discount price = £1620.00 +vat until the end of the month. Use promo code MarchDiscount2023.

Book a free demo: https://calendly.com/patworld/demo 

What do our clients think of PatWorld?

As a patent Attorney with a broad range of clients from SMEs to Multinationals, PatWorld provides all the tools I need at a great price point to carryout patent searches for my clients. The chart dashboard and relevance sorting tools in particular enable me to quickly identify patents and patent trends for my clients.


SIGN UP to PatWorld for FREE 24 HOUR Trial (no payment details needed). Use promo code MarchDiscount2023 and get 25% off the cost of an Annual subscription. (Set up account, verify, and add the promo code to your subscription in your account settings).

Not quite ready to sign up? Reach out to [email protected] for further information.


New Patent Busting Tool in PatWorld

Use the New Patent Busting Tool from PatWorld

In the latest updates to the PatWorld database our new Patent Busting tool allows users to automatically find good results against a patent.  Just enter the patent number and the software will run the search displaying its top 100 results.

For more details on the latest updates why not book a demo at https://calendly.com/patworld/demo

Further information on new features and improvements is available via the Help pages on the PatWorld platform.

Why not check out our Business and Intelligence page for information on how PatWorld can be used to gather business intelligence and inform research and development.


Leveraging Patent Data

Bringing a new technology or invention to market

Bringing a new technology or invention to market can be a long and arduous process. From conception to financing, from understanding the market and keeping tabs on competitors, the journey can be like threading a needle.

Understanding which companies are working in the same technology area as you can be beneficial. If your competitors have filed several new patents more recently this indicates active research and development. Further examination of the patents in detail will provide insights into the nature of the product, the underlying technology and how much it differs from products currently in-market. In addition, companies will monitor their competitors patent filing over time to keep an eye on their research and development.

On the flip side, if your competitors are sitting on several older patents in a particular technology area this indicates lack of research or by extension their focus has shifted elsewhere.

Understanding what your competitors are doing

Why is it helpful to understand what your competitors are doing?  It can help you understand to what extent your product is different to your competitors. This is important if you are launching a new product, as potentially you could be accused of infringing an existing patent. Additionally, patent data can help you understand what technologies your competitors are working on, can help guide product development and provide insights into what your competitors may be bringing to market.

PatWorld Patent Intelligence Platform

This is where PatWorld comes in. Our Patent Intelligence Platform searches over 145 million patent documents worldwide. You can monitor activity around:

  • Your patent portfolio (get notified when one of your patents is cited against new publications)
  • Competitor activity (See new publications, new markets being protected and license agreements)
  • Get notified when new competitors protect innovative products.

If you would like further information on the PatWorld Patent Intelligence Platform (including on our current offers), email [email protected]. Or, if you’d like to book a Demo to understand how PatWorld can work for you, select a convenient time here.

PatWorld Research Services

In addition to our database, we can provide bespoke IP searches as well as our standard offering of Patent, Trademark and Design searches.

Ask us about our patent busting, freedom to operate and prior art searches and request a free quote. Most quotes are returned with 24 hours, and we can work with you if you have a tight timescale.

Contact us now for a free quote [email protected]. All enquiries are treated as strictly confidential, and our Non-Disclosure Agreement is available on request.

CIPA Yorkshire Meeting in Leeds

The CIPA Yorkshire Meeting is in Leeds today and we’re pleased to be exhibiting and showing our support to the Chartered Institute of Patent Attorneys (CIPA).

Getting out and about and talking to clients allows us to understand their changing needs and adapt to their challenges as they occur. In turn we offer a professional patent database PatWorld with over 145 million patent documents, that is continually evolving to meet the needs of our clients. With a variety of payment options there are subscriptions to suit your way of working.

If you would like further information on PatWorld (including on our current offers), email [email protected]. Or, if you’d like to book a Demo to understand how PatWorld can work for you, select a convenient time here. 

In addition to our database, we can provide bespoke IP searches as well as our standard offering of Patent, Trademark and Design searches.

Ask us about our patent busting, freedom to operate and prior art searches and request a free quote. Most quotes are returned with 24 hours and we can work with you if you have a tight timescale. All enquiries are treated as strictly confidential and our Non Disclosure Agreement is available on request.


Does your company have patents? Are you monitoring activity?

Does your company have patents? You should be monitoring activity around:
  • Your patent portfolio (get notified when one of your patents is cited against new publications)
  • Competitor activity (See new publications, new markets being protected and license agreements)
  • Get notified when new competitors protect innovative products.

Not sure how PatWorld Alerts will work for you? William Chelton https://www.linkedin.com/in/willchelton/ provides advisory and consultancy services focussed on intellectual property (IP). In this short video he discusses how setting alerts in PatWorld is the easiest way to find out people who are innovating in your area. “I would set one of these alerts on all of my cases.”

With PatWorld you can access over 145 million patents. Features include:

  • Unlimited Alerts for Annual and Monthly accounts
  • Smart AI search,
  • Unlimited project storage,
  • Project sharing, and
  • Full online support from experienced analysts.

Visit http://patworld.com FIRST 24 HOURS FREE ACCESS

Will Chelton has more than 15 years’ hands-on experience in IP, including five years as a patent attorney in private practice and over a decade as in-house counsel at several of the world’s leading technology companies, spanning all aspects of IP strategy and management. His approach is to join clients as an extension of the team, to help them to make the right IP decisions for their businesses, and to support them through projects to deliver on their IP goals. To reach out to Will contact him via https://www.linkedin.com/in/willchelton/

Electrical & Mechanical

What we can do for you

Our Electrical and Mechanical group advise clients whose interests range from simple household appliances to control systems for aircraft. The success of this team can be attributed in part to the very broad technical skills base of its members and the quality of its output.

Because of the diversity of our clients, we appreciate that each has different requirements and that those requirements may change as they develop. Whether you’re looking for an electrical or mechanical search our services can be customised on an individual basis.

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The searchers in this team have broad-based expertise in electrical and mechanical related field and experience in the following areas:

  • Agricultural technologies
  • Aerospace engineering
  • Automotive engineering
  • Chemical technologies & apparatus
  • Food processing equipment
  • Fluid handling
  • Manufacturing technologies & apparatus
  • Marine engineering
  • Material science
  • Materials handling equipment
  • Medical engineering
  • Mining
  • Oil & gas technologies
  • Packaging
  • Precision engineering & micro-technologies
  • Printing
  • Pumps & engines
  • Renewable energy
  • Rolling stock
  • Structural engineering
  • Textile technologies
  • Tools & tooling

Request a Quote Now

Should your search requirements converge with other technologies, our teams will draw upon each other’s knowledge and experience, with specializations including Bio-science, Chemical & Pharmaceuticals, Electronics, IT, Physics and Medical.

Electronics, IT & Physics

What we can do for you


The team has significant experience and expertise in both digital and analogue electronics. Areas of expertise include telecommunication systems, control and power electronics, and device fabrication.

Information Technology

Our clients’ interests in computer science and IT include, computer architecture, secure systems, communications networks including local and wide-area networks, computer peripherals and telecommunications and broadcast technologies. In the software field, our searches include business process inventions, neural networks, data processing, image processing, data compression, encryption/decryption, the Internet of Things, communications protocols, operating systems and object-orientated programming techniques.


We handle a wide variety of physical-related technologies including optics, medical physics, imaging, superconductors, laser physics and quantum devices.

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Our teams are ready to meet the challenges of researching this leading-edge field. They understand and can assist with protecting and exploiting developments in subjects diverse as:

  • Aerospace & aerodynamics
  • Applied electronics
  • Artificial intelligence (AI) & machine learning
  • Automotive electronics
  • Biometrics
  • Communications engineering & telecommunications
  • Electrodynamics & electrical engineering
  • Energy technologies & power engineering
  • Environment technologies & environmental engineering
  • Information technologies
  • Laser physics & technologies
  • Lighting engineering
  • Measurement technologies
  • Medical engineering, medical physics
  • Optics
  • Propulsion technologies
  • Semiconductor physics & technologies
  • Software
  • Solid state physics
  • Speech & image editing

Should your search requirements converge with other technologies, our teams will draw upon each other’s knowledge and experience, with specializations including Bio-science, Chemical & Pharmaceuticals, Medical, and Electrical & Mechanical.

Bioscience, Chemical & Pharma

What we can do for you

Biotech, Chemical and Pharmaceutical patent searches.  At a technical level, we handle all subject matter within these technology areas. We work on a wide variety of projects in these specialist areas including pharmaceuticals, genetics, petrochemicals, polymers and household products. Between them our teams are widely versed in organic, inorganic, physical and solid state chemistry, pharmaceuticals, metallurgy and materials science. Within those disciplines they have specialist knowledge in the following areas:

  • Molecular biology and molecular biological methods
  • Immunology
  • Virology
  • Pharmaceuticals, galenics, formulations
  • Molecular Diagnostics, in particular chip technologies
  • Medical engineering
  • Organic chemistry, in particular, structures searching
  • Gene & Protein Sequence Searching
  • Food Technology

Chemistry Searches

Chemistry searchers are particularly attuned to the needs of chemical research and the industry. Their knowledge has been gained from experience in fields of organic, inorganic and physical chemistry including:

  • Technical and macro molecular chemistry, in particular polymerizations, plastics, polymers, elastomers, adhesives, polymer processing and analysis
  • Inorganic chemistry, in particular catalysts, construction chemistry, ceramics
  • Physical chemistry, in particular coating of surfaces, spectroscopy
  • Analytical and diagnostic methods

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Should your search requirements converge with other technologies, our teams will draw upon each other’s knowledge and experience, with specializations including Electronics, IT & Physics, Electrical & Mechanical, and Medical.


What we can do for you

The medical field is continually evolving. Companies spend huge budgets each year on the research and development of new medical devices.

It is a truly worldwide market place with fierce competition thereby making the protection of new medical tech advancements essential.

PatWorld has a team of individuals that is ready to meet the challenges that this constantly evolving field presents. We understand and likewise support clients with the task of undertaking specialist searches.

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We assist with protecting and exploiting developments in a range of leading edge fields as diverse as:

Biocompatible materials
Biomedical engineering
Cardiovascular disease
Computer directed surgery
Drug delivery
Electrotherapy / Radiation Therapy / Ultrasound Therapy
Gastrointestinal diseases
Gene therapy
Inhaler technology
Medical Imaging
Medicinal preparations/therapeutics
Minimally invasive surgeries
Surgical devices and implants
Wound Care

Should your search requirements converge with other technologies, out teams will draw upon each other’s knowledge and experience, with specializations including Bio-science, Chemical & Pharmaceuticals, Electronic, IT & Physics, and Electrical & Mechanical.

PatWorld Global IP Research Services

Patent, Design, and Trademark Research Experts with a combined experience of over 100 years in Intellectual Property searching. Highly trained, dynamic in-house research teams specialising in a wide range of subject matter. All our analysts follow a training program developed by former IPO Examiners. Our teams are available to discuss any specific technical points regarding your search enquiries.