PatWorld Patent Alerts & Monitoring – New Improved Alert Function
New Improved PatWorld Patent Alerts & Monitoring system with the release of V2.5. Includes Monitoring New Forward and Backward Citations.
Version 2.5 brings with it a lot of changes to our Alerts feature which we’ll cover below. But firstly.
What are alerts and why would I use them?
Alerts allow you to monitor a specific portfolio of patents, a query containing up-to-date patent data or patents of particular interest. For example patents in a folder, with notes or star-ratings you have provided. You can base an alert on any number of queries. Including an assignee, a classification, a full text string, a list of publication numbers or any other searchable fields. Alerts are set to weekly by default. So that each week you can gain an edge into potential infringements, new advancements in a particular technology area or new competitors.
Monitor New Forward Citations / Backward Citations
These options allow for an easy way to monitor competitors, potential infringements and new advancements in a particular area.
Monitor Additional New Fields
Control which ‘other’ fields to monitor. Just by selecting full text additions, names, family movements and classifications separately to tailor to your interests.
Schedule Email Notifications to Any Email Address
Keep your colleagues and clients up to date. Automatically schedule sending alert emails to external recipients.
One Click Changelog Downloads
Alert emails feature a one-click downloadable csv changelog link as a faster way to access the data. See highlighted text on the image above.
Additional Content Added to Downloadable CSV
Additional fields added to csv change logs; title, abstract, first claim, publication date, application date, priority information, applicant, inventor, IPC, CPC. Furthermore, Changelogs contain more specific change information (e.g. 2 classifications added, abstract now available, 3 legal statuses added).
View All Your Changes in a New Viewable Folder
When a change occurs a folder is created in your project. This folder contains publications with identified changes. You can then produce charts, custom exports or view results in PatWorld.
Sign up now and get immediate access to our New Improved PatWorld Patent Alerts
If you would like a demonstration of the latest updates sign up for a free demo for you and/or your team here Calendly – PatWorld
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